Server Mechanics
Here, you'll find a comprehensive breakdown of the Survival server's technical aspects and mechanics, from mob spawning rules to hardware specifications.
Last updated
Here, you'll find a comprehensive breakdown of the Survival server's technical aspects and mechanics, from mob spawning rules to hardware specifications.
Last updated
Account Limitations
Max 3 accounts per player (1 main, 2 alts). For shared internet connections, this applies individually, but must be proven. Alts solely for crate keys and tier rewards are prohibited.
request has a 30-second cooldown. /tpahere
has a 15-second cooldown.
Players can toggle teleport requests using /tptoggle
There is a 12-second cooldown for the /rtp
or /wild
Player Particles
The max player particle limit toggled at the same time is set to 2.
Players can toggle PVP on/off using /pvp
New players get 5 minutes of PVP protection on their first join.
Keep inventory is disabled in PVP warps.
Keep Inventory Information
Keep inventory is enabled in all worlds, including the End and Nether, except for PVP warps. Before players can teleport to these PVP regions where keep inventory is disabled, they will be notified that keep inventory is off in the area they are teleporting to and will need to confirm their teleport using /tpconfirm
each time so players don't accidentally go to these areas thinking keep inventory is on.
Sleeping Players Requirement
Only 20% of players in a specific world are required to sleep, to cycle from night to day.
Weekly Tournaments
Only 1 account per player is allowed on each of the leaderboards in /tournaments
Additional accounts from the same player will be removed before the tournament ends.
World Border
Normal Overworld: The main survival world has a world border of 32,000 blocks in each direction.
Normal Nether World: The Nether has a world border of 4,000 blocks in each direction.
Normal End World: The End has a world border of 10,000 blocks in each direction.
Resource Overworld: This world has a world border of 5,000 x 5,000 blocks and resets weekly.
Resource Nether World: Similar to the Resource Overworld, this world has a 5,000 x 5,000 block border and also resets weekly.
Resource End World: Similar to the Resource Overworld and Resource Nether World, this world has a 5,000 x 5,000 block border and also resets weekly.
Plot World: The Plot World has a smaller world border of 2,000 x 2,000 blocks.
Original Overworld: Originally, our server was a Bedrock-only server, and this world was the original overworld during this time. This world was converted to JAVA in late 2021 when the rest of the server was moved to Paper, a JAVA Server Software for enhanced compatibility and performance. The original size was 80,000 x 80,000 blocks, but it has been reduced to 10,000 x 10,000 blocks. This world is not actively used by players anymore but remains accessible for those who have homes and claims saved.
Nether World Restrictions
Going to the Nether Roof is not allowed. Measures are in place to ensure safe teleport locations and prevent building above the Nether ceiling.
Vanilla Duping Prevention
The server automatically prevents the duplication of Rails, Minecarts, TNT, String, and other items obtained through duplication farms to maintain the integrity of the game's economy.
Server Restarts
The server restarts every 12 hours at 12 AM EDT (GMT-4) and 12 PM EDT (GMT-4). At the time of the restart, players will be brought to the lobby.
Interaction Restrictions Before Server Restart
Players aren't able to interact with items or blocks (e.g., drop items, take items out of containers, put items in containers, etc.) for the last 10 seconds before the server is about to restart.
Server Difficulty
The server difficulty is set to Normal.
Claim Expirations
Claims have an expiration system based on player inactivity.
If a player has not logged in for 180 days (6 months), all claims and chests of the inactive player will automatically be removed and claimable by others.
Claims will permanently remain if the claim owner has either 50,000 total claim blocks or 10,000 bonus claim blocks.
Additionally, individual claims may be removed on a case-by-case basis if a specific claim hasn't been used or built on, to ensure active use of server space.
View and Simulation Distance
The server's view distance is set to 12, and the simulation distance is set to 8.
Dropped Items Despawn Time
Dropped items despawn after 3000 ticks, or 2.5 minutes.
Piston Limitations
Max blocks 1 single piston can push is 12 blocks (Vanilla default).
Custom Enchantments Limit
The maximum amount of custom enchantments an item can have is 6. However, players have the opportunity to increase this limit by finding +1
slot increasers in loot scattered throughout the world and available in villager trades. With these increasers, the total maximum slots for custom enchantments on an item can be expanded up to 8 slots.
Nickname Limits
For the /nick
command unlocked at the Netherite and Immortal ranks, there is a maximum limit of 15
characters for changing the nickname.
Nicknames can only include alphabetical letters and numbers. Symbols, color formats, or other characters are not allowed.
The nickname command can be used once every 12 hours.
Max Item Rename Limit
For the /rename
command unlocked at the Lapis tier and for the anvil, there is a maximum limit of 16
characters for item renaming.
Spawner Breakability
Spawners can be mined using any pickaxe that has the Silk Touch enchantment. This allows players to relocate spawners as needed while preserving their functionality.
Mob Spawning from Spawners
For mobs to spawn from spawners, players need to be within a 10-block radius of the spawner.
Mob Limits within a Claim
The mob limit is within a 9-chunk area (3x3 surrounding chunks) of where the farm is located, regardless of the claim or amount of players. Below is a list of mobs and their respective maximum amounts that can exist within those chunks at any given time:
Auction House Item Limits in a Chunk To maintain server performance and balance, certain blocks are limited in the number that can be placed within a single chunk. Players will not be able to exceed these limits. The limits for each type of block are as follows:
Auction House
There is a limit of 15 items being listed at any time in the auction house.
Each player is allowed a maximum of 4 minions.
Each minion takes 60 ticks, or 3 seconds per action.
The Slayer Minion is not able to kill the following mobs:
• Ender Dragon
• Wither
• Ghast
• Warden
• Villager
Mob Catcher Blacklisted Mobs
For Mob Catchers which are unlocked by buying them with in-game money from /commands
, the following mobs cannot be caught:
• Ender Dragon
• Wither
• Ghast
• Warden
Plot World
In the Plot world, a player can own a maximum of 6 plots.
Elevators Max Distance
For elevators unlocked at the Coal tier, the maximum distance between elevators is 40 blocks.
Chat Feelings Cooldown
In the Chat Feelings System, each chat feeling has a 20-second cooldown.
Dynamic Pricing Shop System
Our shop system dynamically adjusts buying and selling prices based on supply and demand.
Stock limits are enforced for both buying and selling, with a mix of server-wide and player-specific limits.
These stock limits, as well as item availability, reset daily.
Shop Price Modifier Table
Along with the Dynamic Pricing Shop System, each tier has its own buy and sell price modifier for the shop. Below is a table of each tier's price modifier.
Server Auto-Save The server auto-saves every 2 minutes. This ensures that your progress is regularly backed up. Please note, in the unlikely event of a server crash, there is a possibility that any changes made in the last 2 minutes may not be saved, as the auto-save process could have been interrupted. Server Specifications ProtectorsCraft is hosted on high-end hardware to ensure a smooth and lag-free experience for our players. Here are the technical specifications of our server: Location: Ashburn, Virginia Dedicated Machine Type: CPU: Ryzen 9 5950X Disk: NVMe
By hosting on a high-end machine, we strive to provide our players with the best possible gameplay experience.