Server Mechanics
Here, you'll find a comprehensive breakdown of the Creative server's technical aspects and mechanics.
Account Limitations
Max 2 accounts per player (1 main, 1 alt). For shared internet connections, this applies individually, but must be proven. Alts solely for plot ownership, leveling, or rewards are prohibited.
request has a 30-second cooldown. /tpahere
has a 15-second cooldown.
Players can toggle teleport requests using /tptoggle
PVP is disabled on the Creative server.
Keep Inventory
Keep inventory is enabled in all worlds on the Creative server.
World Border The plot world has a world border of 8,000 blocks in each direction.
Dropped Items Despawn Time Dropped items despawn after 6000 ticks, or 5 minutes.
Plots Each player can claim a maximum of 1 plot by default. Donator ranks increase this limit:
Hero: 2 Plots
Legend: 4 Plots
Eagle: 6 Plots
Knight: 8 Plots
Immortal: 10 Plots
Plot Clears Staff may perform plot clears on a case-by-case basis for inactive or griefed plots to ensure active use of server space. Cleared plots become available for other players to claim.
WorldEdit Limitations The WorldEdit limit for each rank is as follows:
Default: 5,000 Blocks
Hero: 5,000 Blocks
Legend: 15,000 Blocks
Eagle: 50,000 Blocks
Knight: 200,000 Blocks
Immortal: 1,000,000 Blocks
Server Restarts The server restarts every 12 hours at 3 AM EDT (GMT-4) and 3 PM EDT (GMT-4). At the time of the restart, players will be brought to the lobby.
Server Difficulty The server difficulty is set to Hard.
Chat Games Cooldown Chat games have a 3 minute cooldown between rounds.
Nickname Limits
For the /nick
command unlocked at the Knight rank, there is a maximum limit of 12
characters for changing the nickname. Nicknames can only include alphabetical letters and numbers. Symbols, color formats, or other characters are not allowed. The nickname command can be used once every 12 hours.
Homes Limits The number of homes each rank can set:
Default: 2 Homes
Hero: 5 Homes
Legend: 10 Homes
Eagle & Above: Unlimited Homes
AFK Pond Rewards
Players receive rewards for being AFK at the /warp afk
15 Minutes: 2 Coins
60 Minutes: 1 Common Key
Custom Furniture Limits Players can place a maximum of 30 custom furniture pieces per plot. View and Simulation Distance The server's view distance is set to 15, and the simulation distance is set to 4. Server Auto-Save The server auto-saves every 5 minutes (6000 ticks). This ensures that your progress is regularly backed up. Please note, in the unlikely event of a server crash, there is a possibility that any changes made in the last 5 minutes may not be saved, as the auto-save process could have been interrupted. Server Specifications ProtectorsCraft is hosted on high-end hardware to ensure a smooth and lag-free experience for our players. Here are the technical specifications of our server: Location: Ashburn, Virginia Dedicated Machine Type: CPU: Ryzen 9 5950X Disk: NVMe
By hosting on a high-end machine, we strive to provide our players with the best possible gameplay experience.
Last updated