Player Tier Ranks

This page contains a list of available Player Tier Ranks on our server.

Coal Tier

This is the Coal Tier and is available for everyone, even if you only just joined the server! Requirements: None Tier Perks: Tier Prefix: [Coal] Total Homes: 2 Command Unlocked: /recipe - learn the recipe for the item you are holding Elevators Unlocked: Create your own elevators to quickly go up by jumping and down by crouching on a Quartz block with a Redstone block below it on each level Player Shop Unlocked: Ability to buy and sell your items using a player-made chest sign shops. Simply left-click on a chest with the item you want to sell and type in chat how much you want to sell each item for and then once the shop has been made, add the items in the chest. Crate Keys: 2X Uncommon Crates Keys, 1X Common Crate Key (/crates) Temporarily Fly: Fly for 5 Minutes (/fly enable) Shop Modifier: Buy and sell items at base price (100%)

Iron Tier

This is the Iron Tier and is available for everyone with the previous tier and needed requirements below! Requirements: Play Time: 6 Hours Money: $1,500 Tier Perks: Tier Prefix: [Iron] Total Homes: 3 Total Jobs: 4 Extra Claim Blocks: 150 Shift right-click your pet to heal Command Unlocked: /echest - open ender chest Command Unlocked: /imageframe create [name] [URL] [W] [H] Combined - Creates a map with any URL image which can be placed on item frames on the wall. Command Unlocked: /invisibleitemframes togglemode visibility - Toggles a mode which lets players right-click an itemframe to make the frame invisible Crate Keys: 2X Uncommon Crates Keys, 1X Wizard Crate Key, 1X Epic Crate Key (/crates) Temporarily Fly: Fly for 10 Minutes (/fly enable) Shop Modifier: Buy items at 101% of base price, sell items at 99% of base price

Copper Tier

This is the Copper Tier and is available for everyone with the previous tier and needed requirements below! Requirements: Play Time: 12 Hours Money: $6,000 Tier Perks: Tier Prefix: [Copper] Total Homes: 4 Extra Claim Blocks: 300 Sell 2 items in AuctionHouse Command Unlocked: /trash - portable trash can Pets Unlocked: Cat (/pets gui) Crate Keys: 2X Common Crates Keys, 1X Sorcerer Crate Key, 1X Epic Crate Key (/crates) Temporarily Fly: Fly for 15 Minutes (/fly enable) Shop Modifier: Buy items at 102% of base price, sell items at 98% of base price

Redstone Tier

This is the Redstone Tier and is available for everyone with the previous tier and needed requirements below! Requirements: Play Time: 18 Hours Money: $14,000 Tier Perks: Tier Prefix: [Redstone] Total Homes: 5 Total Jobs: 5 Extra Claim Blocks: 500 Sell 3 items in AuctionHouse Access to make chest shops Command Unlocked: /invsort - Auto sort player inventory Command Unlocked: /chestsort - Toggle your sorting settings using a GUI Pets Unlocked: Chicken (/pets gui) Crate Keys: 2X Common Crates Keys, 2X Sorcerer Crate Key, 1X Epic Crate Key (/crates) Temporarily Fly: Fly for 20 Minutes (/fly enable) Shop Modifier: Buy items at 105% of base price, sell items at 95% of base price

Gold Tier

This is the Gold Tier and is available for everyone with the previous tier and needed requirements below! Requirements: Play Time: 27 Hours Money: $28,000 Tier Perks: Tier Prefix: [Gold] Total Homes: 6 Extra Claim Blocks: 750 Sell 5 items in AuctionHouse Command Unlocked: /ad - Send an advertisement as an announcement to the server once a week with color format support. This command should only be used to promote in-game related shops, player warps, etc. Command Unlocked: /near - List of players within a 250-block radius Command Unlocked: /drop2inv - Toggle on and off getting item drops directly into your inventory Pets Unlocked: Wolf (/pets gui) Crate Keys: 2X Common Crates Keys, 1X Epic Crate Key, 1X Mythical Crate Key (/crates) Temporarily Fly: Fly for 25 Minutes (/fly enable) Shop Modifier: Buy items at 109% of base price, sell items at 91% of base price

Lapis Tier

This is the Lapis Tier and is available for everyone with the previous tier and needed requirements below! Requirements: Play Time: 64 Hours Money: $60,000 Tier Perks: Tier Prefix: [Lapis] Total Homes: 7 Total Jobs: 6 Extra Claim Blocks: 900 Sell 10 items in AuctionHouse Command Unlocked: /rename - Rename any item with color and format codes (Costs $250 per item) Command Unlocked: /hat - Use item in your hand as a hat Particle Effects Unlocked: Dripping Obsidian Tears (/pp gui) Pets Unlocked: Allay, Bee (/pets gui) Crate Keys: 2X Common Crates Keys, 1X Mythical Crate Key, 1X Legendary Crate Key (/crates) Temporarily Fly: Fly for 30 Minutes (/fly enable) Shop Modifier: Buy items at 113% of base price, sell items at 87% of base price

Diamond Tier

This is the Diamond Tier and is available for everyone with the previous tier and needed requirements below! Requirements: Play Time: 80 Hours Money: $80,000 Tier Perks: Tier Prefix: [Diamond] Total Homes: 8 Extra Claim Blocks: 1200 Command Unlocked: /condense - Condense your inventory Vehicle Unlocked: /bikeshop - Buy vehicles and ride them till fuel runs out Particle Effects Unlocked: Dripping Lava (/pp gui) Pets Unlocked: Fox, Bat (/pets gui) Crate Keys: 2X Epic Crates Keys, 1X Legendary Crate Key, 1X Spawner Crate Key (/crates) Temporarily Fly: Fly for 35 Minutes (/fly enable) Shop Modifier: Buy items at 117% of base price, sell items at 83% of base price

Emerald Tier

This is the Emerald Tier and is available for everyone with the previous tier and needed requirements below! Requirements: Play Time: 96 Hours Money: $140,000 Tier Perks: Tier Prefix: [Emerald] Total Homes: 9 Total Jobs: 7 Extra Claim Blocks: 1300 Command Unlocked: /veinminer toggle - Toggle on and off the ability to crouch mine an entire ore vein by breaking one ore, the durability of the tool will decrease just as it would if all of the ores were mined Command Unlocked: /sit - Ability to sit Command Unlocked: /lay - Ability to lay Command Unlocked: /crawl - Ability to crawl Command Unlocked: /glow - Have a glow around your character (All colors) Vehicle Unlocked: /carshop - buy vehicles and ride them till fuel runs out Particle Effects Unlocked: Dragon Breath (/pp gui) Pets Unlocked: Llama, Mule (/pets gui) Crate Keys: 2X Legendary Crate Keys, 1X Spawner Crate Key (/crates) Temporarily Fly: Fly for 40 Minutes (/fly enable) Shop Modifier: Buy items at 120% of base price, sell items at 80% of base price

Ancient Tier

This is the Ancient Tier and is available for everyone with the previous tier and needed requirements below! Requirements: Play Time: 128 Hours Money: $300,000 Tier Perks: Tier Prefix: [Ancient] Total Homes: 10 Extra Claim Blocks: 1500 Command Unlocked: /bt or /besttools - Automatically switches to the best available tools in inventory when mining blocks Command Unlocked: /pweather - Control your own weather Command Unlocked: /ptime - Control your own time Command Unlocked: /repair (hand/all) - Repair your items (Costs $2,500 per item) Vehicle Unlocked: /racingcarshop - buy vehicles and ride them till fuel runs out Particle Effects Unlocked: Glow (/pp gui) Pets Unlocked: Parrot, Creeper (/pets gui) Crate Keys: 3X Epic Crate Keys, 2X Mythical Crate Keys, 1X Legendary Crate Key, 1X Spawner Crate Key (/crates) Temporarily Fly: Fly for 45 Minutes (/fly enable) Shop Modifier: Buy items at 123% of base price, sell items at 77% of base price

Netherite Tier

This is the Netherite Tier and is available for everyone with the previous tier and needed requirements below! Requirements: Play Time: 256 Hours Money: $600,000 Tier Perks: Tier Prefix: [Netherite] Total Homes: 11 Total Jobs: 8 Extra Claim Blocks: 1600 Command Unlocked: /fly - Ability to fly Command Unlocked: /nick - Change your name Command Unlocked: /netheritechat - Ability to chat privately with other Netherite tier player between in-game and Discord Vehicle Unlocked: /helicoptershop - buy vehicles and ride them till fuel runs out Particle Effects Unlocked: Portal, Enchant (/pp gui) Pets Unlocked: Illusioner, Iron Golem (/pets gui) Crate Keys: 3X Epic Crate Keys, 2X Mythical Crate Keys, 1X Legendary Crate Key, 1X Spawner Crate Key (/crates) Shop Modifier: Buy items at 125% of base price, sell items at 75% of base price

View Shop Price Modifier Table:
|    Rank   | Buy Modifier (%) | Sell Modifier (%) |
|    Coal   |        100       |        100        |
|    Iron   |        101       |         99        |
|   Copper  |        102       |         98        |
|  Redstone |        105       |         95        |
|    Gold   |        109       |         91        |
|   Lapis   |        113       |         87        |
|  Diamond  |        117       |         83        |
|  Emerald  |        120       |         80        |
|  Ancient  |        123       |         77        |
| Netherite |        125       |         75        |

Tips for Ranking Up

  • Gain Playtime: Each rank has a required number of hours played. The more you play on the server, the faster you will unlock new ranks and perks. Aim to hit those playtime milestones efficiently.

  • Complete Jobs: Use /jobs to take on jobs like Mining, Woodcutting, Fishing, and more. Completing job tasks is a great way to earn money and level up your skills at the same time.

  • Maximize Chest Shops: Craft valuable items and sell them to other players using chest shops. Find high-demand items to sell for a premium. Reinvest profits into your shops, skills and gear.

  • Vote for Server Rewards: Use /vote every day on each of the voting sites for free crate keys, money, and exclusive rewards. Regular voting provides a significant boost to your progression.

  • Upgrade Your Gear: Save up money and tokens to purchase better tools, armor, and weapons. Use /enchanter to discover powerful custom enchantments and apply them to your equipment.

Last updated