Donator Ranks
Below Are Ranks You Can Buy From Our Store!
Last updated
Below Are Ranks You Can Buy From Our Store!
Last updated
Purchase the Hero Rank and receive the following perks!
Legend Prefix:
$2,500 Dollars (One-time)
Total Homes: 10
Total Jobs: 3
Command Unlocked: /craft
- crafting table on the go
Command Unlocked: /hat
- wear items as a hat
Donor Chat Unlocked: /donorchat
- chat privately between other donors in-game
Particle Effects Unlocked: Hearts, Bubble Pops (/pp gui
Pets Unlocked: Cow, Sheep (/pets gui
Crate Keys: 2X Uncommon Crate Keys, 1X Epic Crate Key (/crates
Temporarily Fly: Fly for 1 Hour (/fly enable
Hero Kit (7 Day Cooldown)
Weekly Hero rewards by typing /rewards
Purchase the Legend Rank and receive the following perks + the perks from the Hero Rank!
Legend Prefix:
$5,000 Dollars (One-time)
Total Homes: 15
Total Jobs: 4
Command Unlocked: /craft
- crafting table on the go
Command Unlocked: /hat
- wear items as a hat
Command Unlocked: /rename
- rename any item with color and & format codes (Costs $250 per item)
Vehicle Unlocked: /bikeshop
- buy vehicles and ride them till fuel runs out
Donor Chat Unlocked: /donorchat
- chat privately between other donors in-game
Particle Effects Unlocked: Dripping Obsidian Tears, Dripping Lava (/pp gui
Pets Unlocked: Bee, Chicken (/pets gui
Crate Keys: 3X Sorcerer Crates Keys, 2X Uncommon Crate Keys, 1X Epic Crate Key (/crates
Temporarily Fly: Fly for 2 Hours (/fly enable
Legend Kit (7 Day Cooldown)
Weekly Legend rewards by typing /rewards
Purchase the Eagle Rank and receive the following perks + the perks from Hero and Legend ranks!
Eagle Prefix:
$10,000 Dollars (One-time)
Total Homes: 20
Total Jobs: 5
Yellow glow color unlocked
Command Unlocked: /echest
- Access Ender Chest anywhere
Command Unlocked: /pweather
- Control your own weather
Command Unlocked: /glow
- Have a glow yellow around your character
Vehicle Unlocked: /carshop
- buy vehicles and ride them till fuel runs out
Particle Effects Unlocked: Dragon Breath, Glow (/pp gui
Pets Unlocked: Fox, Bat (/pets gui
Crate Keys: 3X Sorcerer Crates Keys, 2X Epic Crate Keys, 1X Mythical Crate Key (/crates
Temporarily Fly: Fly for 4 Hours (/fly enable
Eagle Kit (7 Day Cooldown)
Weekly Eagle rewards by typing /rewards
Purchase the Knight Rank and receive the following perks + the perks from Hero, Legend, and Eagle ranks!
Knight Prefix:
$15,000 Dollars (One-time)
Total Homes: 20
Total Jobs: 6
Green glow color unlocked
Use colors on signs
Command Unlocked: /ptime
- Control your own time
Command Unlocked: /repair (hand/all)
- Repair your item (Costs $2,500)
Vehicle Unlocked: /racingcarshop
- buy vehicles and ride them till fuel runs out
Particle Effects Unlocked: Portal, Enchant (/pp gui
Pets Unlocked: Llama, Mule (/pets gui
Crate Keys: 3X Sorcerer Crates Keys, 2X Mythical Crate Keys, 1X Legendary Crate Key (/crates
Temporarily Fly: Fly for 6 Hours (/fly enable
Knight Kit (7 Day Cooldown)
Weekly Knight rewards by typing /rewards
Purchase the Immortal Rank and receive the following perks + the perks from Hero, Legend, Eagle, and Knight ranks!
Immortal Prefix:
$20,000 Dollars (One-time)
Total Homes: 25
Total Jobs: 8
All glow colors unlocked
Command Unlocked: /fly
- Ability to fly
Command Unlocked: /feed
- Ability to feed yourself (2 hour cooldown)
Command Unlocked: /nick
- Change your name
Vehicle Unlocked: /helicoptershop
- buy vehicles and ride them till fuel runs out
Particle Effects Unlocked: All unlocked (/pp gui
Pets Unlocked: Parrot, Creeper (/pets gui
Crate Keys: 4X Sorcerer Crates Keys, 3X Mythical Crate Keys, 2X Legendary Crate Keys, 1X Spawner Crate Key (/crates
Immortal Kit (7 Day Cooldown)
Weekly Immortal rewards by typing /rewards