Server Mechanics
Here, you'll find a comprehensive breakdown of the server's technical aspects and mechanics, from mob spawning rules to hardware specifications.
Last updated
Here, you'll find a comprehensive breakdown of the server's technical aspects and mechanics, from mob spawning rules to hardware specifications.
Last updated
Account Limitations Max 2 accounts per player (1 main, 1 alt). For shared internet connections, this applies individually, but must be proven. Alts solely for extra resources, rewards or island perks are prohibited.
All generators have a maximum stack size of 1. Each generator tier has a set generation rate, as displayed in the /genshop
. Generators will only run if the player is online and within 16 blocks of the generator. Players start with 10 generator slots and can earn more from leveling up or purchasing ranks.
Generator Upgrades
Each generator can be upgraded individually by right-clicking the generator.
Upgrading increases the generator's output by 10% per level. The maximum upgrade level is 10.
Generator upgrade progress is kept even when removing and replacing the generator.
request has a 30-second cooldown. /tpahere
has a 15-second cooldown.
Players can toggle teleport requests using /tptoggle
Players can toggle PVP on/off using /pvp
New players get 5 minutes of PVP protection on their first join.
PVP is enabled in the Arena (/warp arena
), and KOTH hill.
PVP is also allowed on a player's island if they have the PVP flag enabled.
Keep Inventory Information
Keep inventory is NOT enabled in this server. If you die, you will drop all your items. Make sure to store your valuable items safely before engaging in risky activities!
Mob Spawning
Hostile mobs will only spawn on islands if the player has placed a Mob Spawner generator or toggled it on in the island settings.
Island World Border
The island world has a starting border of 5,000 x 5,000 blocks.
Island Permissions
Island owners can choose what visitors can do on their island with /is permissions
By default, visitors cannot build, destroy, or access containers on another's island.
Auction House
Up to 5 items can be listed per player at a time on /ah
A listing fee of 1% of the starting price is charged to discourage spam listings.
When an item is sold, a 5% sales tax is taken out of the payment and removed from the economy to combat inflation.
Level XP Rates
XP is earned at the following rates:
1 XP per 5 minutes of playtime
10 XP per 1 vote
5 XP per completed Daily Quest
Server Restarts
The server restarts every 12 hours at 2 AM EDT (GMT-4) and 2 PM EDT (GMT-4). At the time of the restart, players will be brought to the lobby.
Server Difficulty
The server difficulty is set to Hard.
View and Simulation Distance
The server's view distance is set to 7, and the simulation distance is set to 4.
Dropped Items Despawn Time
Items dropped on the ground will despawn after 5 minutes (6000 ticks) if not picked up.
Nickname Limits
For the /nick
command unlocked at the Netherite and Immortal ranks, there is a maximum limit of 15
characters for changing the nickname.
Nicknames can only include alphabetical letters and numbers. Symbols, color formats, or other characters are not allowed.
The nickname command can be used once every 12 hours.
Max Item Rename Limit
For the /rename
command and for the anvil, there is a maximum limit of 16
characters for item renaming.
All players have access to place 2 minions by default. The maximum number of minions allowed increases as players level up or obtain higher donator ranks.
Each minion takes 60 ticks, or 3 seconds per action.
The Slayer Minion is not able to kill the following mobs:
• Ender Dragon
• Wither
• Ghast
• Warden
• Villager
Elevators Max Distance
For elevators unlocked at Level 3, the maximum distance between elevators is 40 blocks.
Server Auto-Save
The server auto-saves every 5 minutes (6000 ticks). This ensures that your progress is regularly backed up.
Please note, in the unlikely event of a server crash, there is a possibility that any changes made in the last 5 minutes may not be saved, as the auto-save process could have been interrupted.
Shop Price Modifier Table Each player level has its own buy price modifier for the shop. Below is a table of each level's price modifier.
Server Specifications ProtectorsCraft is hosted on high-end hardware to ensure a smooth and lag-free experience for our players. Here are the technical specifications of our server: Location: Ashburn, Virginia Dedicated Machine Type: CPU: Ryzen 9 5950X Disk: NVMe
By hosting on a high-end machine, we strive to provide our players with the best possible gameplay experience.